national award
Appliance Service

Sloan Appliance Service Receives National Award, Again.

Tucson, AZ, May 17, 2018:   Whirlpool Corporation announced today the recipients of “Excellence in Service” Awards for their national Whirlpool Factory Certified Care service network at their annual convention in Tucson, Arizona.  For the second year in a row Sloan Appliance Service in Cayce, S.C. was one of the service

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Appliance Service

How to Clean Your Appliances for Longer Life

Clean out the old and the bad to make way for the shiny and the new. While your kitchen floors, dishes, and countertops may receive regular cleaning, it’s often easy to forget about cleaning the appliances that are always there for us when we need them. Here are some helpful

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thank you
Appliance Service

A Thank You to Some Great People

Sixty years ago, when Leo Sloan started Sloan Appliance Service he did most of the repair work himself.  When his business began to grow he had to hire someone to help. Leo Sloan did an extensive search for just the right person and he hired the best.  We are still

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appliance service
Appliance Service

Sloan Appliance Service Receives Whirlpool Excellence in Service Award

Tucson, Arizona, May 7: 2016:   Whirlpool Corporation announced today the recipients of four “Excellence in Service” Awards for their national Whirlpool Factory Certified Care service network at their annual convention in Tucson, Arizona.  Sloan Appliance Service in Cayce, S.C. was one of the four service providers receiving this prestigious award.

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